Extended season marketing workshop, Bozeman MT



BOZEMAN — An “Extended Season Marketing Opportunities for Farm and Food Products” workshop will be held at the Hilton Garden Inn in Bozeman from 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 23. The workshop is sponsored by Utah State University Extension in partnership with Montana State University Extension and the Western Center for Risk Management Education.


This workshop is designed for growers and small food producers looking to expand or diversify direct marketing through growing consumer demand for local foods and food-based experiences. Workshop topics will focus on marketing fresh and value-added products through farm shops, winter stands and farmers' markets, and tourism outlets. Educators, Extension agents, agency, government and industry representatives looking to assist growers and small food producers can also attend.


Academic and industry professionals will discuss extended season market and product alternatives; marketing; management best practices; assessing profitability; value-added products; business ownership issues, regulations and permits; and financing.


The registration fee of $30 includes all materials, as well as breakfast and lunch. For further information contact Kynda Curtis at (435) 797-0444 or kynda.curtis@usu.edu.

To register, visit http://extendedseasonfarmshops-bozeman.eventbrite.com.

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